
Checkout with external products

A checkout with external products is just possible for single products. Therefore you have to specify more information such as tax, description, currency, etc..

If you are using a programming language that is not supported by one of our SDKs and the pre generated checkout string from the plenigo backend sufficient enough you must create the checkout string dynamically. Enrypt Checkout String

Workflow Checkout with external products

Workflow external products

(A) Create plenigo iFrame: If you want to create a registration and login page click the following link -> Create plenigo iFrame

(B) Check with plenigo API: If you want to check if the user has bought the product click the following link -> Has user bought

(C) Create plenigo iFrame checkout: If you want create a plenigo iFrame checkout click the following link -> Encrpyt checkout String , Start plenigo checkout

Checkout including plenigo login

It is not necessary to be logged in to use this snippet, the checkout flow is smart enough to identify when the user is not, and asks him to do so before. Plenigo’s checkout flow is done in their own site, and it can easily be started by using the Javascript SDK, there is a quick way of creating a snippet of this call in the SDK.

If the product is not managed by plenigo, you have to specify more information such as tax, description, currency, etc..

For Java integration you can use the class, you can create snippets easily by filling out the com.plenigo.sdk.models.Product class with the required information.

Parameter Required Value type Description
price yes double The price of the product
description yes string The description of the product
id yes string The id of the product
currency yes string The currency of the product
taxPercentage yes double The tax percentage of the product
// 1.Step: Configure the Java SDK:  Provide the secret (e.g. secret:Q11DfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzKO32HsV78TngrY2ddvj) and the company ID (e.g.:23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q).
String secret = "Q11DfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzKO32HsV78TngrY2ddvj"; // // The secret key of your specific company. 
String companyId = "23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q"; // // The company ID of your specific company.
PlenigoManager.get().configure(secret, companyId );

// 2.Step: Set the product.
double price = 12.99; // The price of the product.
String description = "Test"; // The description of the product.
String productId = "123456"; // The product id of the product.
String currency = "USD"; // The currency.
Product product = new Product(price, description, id, currency, TaxType.DOWNLOAD);
// 3.Step: Creating the checkout snippet for this product.The snippet will have the following format: plenigo.checkout('ENCRYPTED_STRING_HERE').
CheckoutSnippetBuilder snippetBuilder = new CheckoutSnippetBuilder(product);
String snippet =;

Use case

Use case for implementing checkout with external products(Single Products) including plenigo login.

This is a complete example page where you only need to replace the company id(e.g.23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q ) and the secret(e.g.QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj). This example assumes you are running in test mode.

Server logic


  1. Configure the Java SDK.
  2. Create a product in the plenigo backend. In every checkout you need the ID for the corresponding product.
public class Paywall {

    public void config() {
        // 1.Step: Configure the Java SDK:  Provide the secret (e.g. secret:Q11DfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzKO32HsV78TngrY2ddvj) and the company ID (e.g.:23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q) in Test Mode (true).
        PlenigoManager.get().configure("QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj", "23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q", true);
    public void handlePaywall(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) throws PlenigoException, InvalidDataException {
        String cookieHeader = request.getHeader("Cookie");
        boolean isHasUserBought;
        // 2.Step: The product ID  from the plenigo backend.
        String productId = "EgLUrT56328991046641";
        // 3.Step: This method returns true if the user has already bought the product.
        isHasUserBought = UserService.hasUserBought(productId, cookieHeader);
        model.addAttribute("showPaywall", false);
        if (!isHasUserBought) {
            double price = 12.99; // The price of the product.
            String description = "Test"; // The description of the product.
            String productId = "123456"; // The product ID of the product.
            String currency = "USD"; // The currency.
            // Price of the product, description, id, currency and  the tax percentage (28% in this case) of tax that should be calculated for this product
            Product product = new Product(price, description, id, currency, TaxType.DOWNLOAD);
            // Since he has not bought the product, we need to build the
            // checkout snippet so that he can do the flow on the plenigo site and buy.
            CheckoutSnippetBuilder builder = new CheckoutSnippetBuilder(product);
            String checkoutCode =;
            model.addAttribute("checkoutCode", checkoutCode);
            model.addAttribute("showBuyButton", true);

Page logic

In the Page you have to replace the company ID in the Javascript declaration, e.g. if you have the following link:

 <script type="application/javascript" src="" data-lang="en"> </script>

You will replace COMPANY_ID for the corresponding ID of your company(e.g. 23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q), after replacing it should look like this:

<script type="application/javascript" src="" data-lang="en"> </script>

By clicking on the “Buy now” button the Checkout flow will start.

Checkout flow from plenigo:

  1. User clicks on “Buy now” button. A login screen will appear, the user has to login in (the checkout flow is smart enough to identify when the user is not, and asks him to do so before).

  2. After the login was successful a payment screen will appear. There the user has to choose a payment method for the product.

  3. After the payment is successful the user will be redirect to the article page (in this example the user can read the whole article).

<!DOCTYPE html>
      Let's use concrete values:
      company ID = e.g. "23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q"
      <title> The title of the article </title>
      <script type="application/javascript"
         src="" data-lang="en">
      <p> The description of the article </p>
      <#if showBuyButton>
      <button onclick="${checkoutCode}">Buy now</button>
      <p>  Thank you for order </p>

Checkout without SDK

If you are using a programming language that is not supported by one of our SDKs and the pre generated checkout string from the plenigo backend sufficient enough you must create the checkout string dynamically. Enrypt Checkout String

Failed Payments

If you want to create a button/link to the “Failed Payments” listing for the customer you can do it by creating a special product object like this.

For Java integration you can use the class in order to get the failed payments.

// 1.Step: Configure the Java SDK:  Provide the secret (e.g. secret:Q11DfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzKO32HsV78TngrY2ddvj) and the company ID (e.g.:23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q).
String secret = "QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj";  // The secret key of your specific company.
String companyId = "23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q"; // The company ID of your specific company.
PlenigoManager.get().configure(secret, companyId );

// 2.Step: Just create a checkout snippet with a no args build. The snippet will have the following format: plenigo.checkout('ENCRYPTED_STRING_HERE').
CheckoutSnippetBuilder snippetBuilder = new CheckoutSnippetBuilder();
String snippet =;

Use case

Use case for implementing failed payments.

Server logic


  1. Configure the Java SDK.
  2. Create a product in the plenigo backend. In every checkout you need the ID for the corresponding product.
public class FailedPayments {

    public void config() {
        // 1.Step: Configure the Java SDK:  Provide the secret (e.g. secret:Q11DfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzKO32HsV78TngrY2ddvj) and the company ID (e.g.:23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q) in Test Mode(true).
        PlenigoManager.get().configure("QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj", "23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q", true);

    public void createFailedPayment(Model model) throws PlenigoException {
        CheckoutSnippetBuilder snippetBuilder = new CheckoutSnippetBuilder();
        String snippet =;
        model.addAttribute("checkoutCode", snippet);

Page logic

In the Page logic you have to replace the company id (e.g. 23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q). By clicking on the “Buy now” Button the Checkout flow from plenigo will start.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Title of the product </title>
        Let's use concrete values
        company ID = e.g. "23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q"
    <script type="application/javascript"
            src="" data-lang="en">
<a href="#"  onclick="${checkoutCode}> return false;"> Buy now</a>';