
As we transition from plenigo to Frisbii Media, you may still encounter the name "plenigo" throughout this documentation. This is simply due to the ongoing rebranding process - rest assured, plenigo and Frisbii Media are the same platform. All functionalities, APIs, and integrations remain unchanged. We appreciate your understanding and are excited to continue supporting you under our new name!

get Customers

Sometimes you want to get the users with the latest changes, to sync them into your systems.

$secret = 'XXX';
$companyId = 'XXXX';
// Configure SDK
\plenigo\PlenigoManager::configure($secret, $companyId);

   * Returns a list of users of the specified company.
   * @param string $startDate date od the startdate of selection (format YYYY-MM-DD)
   * @param string $endDate date od the enddate of selection - must be greater then $startDate (format YYYY-MM-DD)
   * @param int $page Number of the page (starting from 0)
   * @param int $size Size of the page - must be between 10 and 100
   * @return array  A list of users (Objects) of the specified company
$users = \plenigo\services\CompanyService::getChangedUsers('-1 week');

get some Customers by ID

If you have some CustomerIds, you can get the user data with this method:

$secret = 'XXX';
$companyId = 'XXXX';
// Configure SDK
\plenigo\PlenigoManager::configure($secret, $companyId);

   * Returns a list of users based on the given ids.
   * @param string $userIds a comma separated list if ids
   * @param boolean $useExternalCustomerId (optional) Flag indicating if customer id sent is the external customer id
   * @return CompanyUserList A  list of users of the specified company with the given ids
$users =  \plenigo\services\CompanyService::getUserByIds("userID1, userID2");

update users address data

You can change the address data:

$secret = 'XXX';
$companyId = 'XXXX';
// Configure SDK
\plenigo\PlenigoManager::configure($secret, $companyId);

$address = [
  "gender"=> "FEMALE", // required
  "firstName" =>"Monika", // required
  "name" =>"Mustermann", // required
  "company" =>"Muster AG", // optional
  "additionalCompanyInfo" =>"We make musters", // optional
  "street" =>"Musterstr 7", // optional
  "additionalAddressInfo" =>"co. Hanns Mustermann", // optional
  "postCode" =>"12345", // optional
  "city" =>"Musterstadt", // optional
  "state" =>"Germany", // optional
  "country" =>"DE" // required, if any of addressfields is filled. Only ISO Codes allowed

   * Change address of an existing user.
   * @param string $customerId Customer id of the user to change address for
   * @param array $address
   * @param bool $useExternalCustomerId Flag indicating if customer id sent is the external customer id
   * @return bool TRUE address changed
   * @throws PlenigoException In case of communication errors or invalid parameters
$success = \plenigo\services\UserManagementService::changeAddress($customerId, $address);