Voucher Campaigns
Create vouchers for specific customers.
- Create loyalty campaigns by giving vouchers as giveaways ?
- Creating a Voucher ?
- Redeeming a voucher ?
- ‘Buying’ a free product ?
Create loyalty campaigns by giving vouchers as giveaways
As a company if you want to give free access to customers you can generate a voucher campaign (by creating voucher Ids that can be redeemed as a free purchase of a product.
Vouchers are numbered and limited in nature (up to 10 thousand per channel) but if you are looking for an unlimited free giveaway, you can create and allow purchase of a free (as in $0-. price) product.
Campaigns are a set of channels with an amount of vouchers generated for each channel. Campaigns contain a name and a date range when that campaign will be active. After the expiration date or before the start date, the vouchers will not be able to be redeemed. Some examples:
- “YouTube Channel push campaign”
- “New product campaign”
- “New advertising push”
- “New branding acquisition”
Channels are a way to funnel your customers in order to measure statistics on the redemption of vouchers. You can name the channel anything you want and assign that channel to a product when creating the campaign. Some examples:
- “Facebook Group”
- “Newsletter giveaway”
- “Mobile users”
- “People at the mall in downtown New Jersey
Creating a voucher
A voucher can be used to put a “tag” on a free product purchase. Also, if you only provide the purchase though Voucher Redemption, it means that when the voucher Ids are redeemed, then there is no more purchases left for the product.
You can create a campaign programmatically by calling the VoucherService::generateCampaign()
method with these parameters:
Parameter | Required | Value type | Description |
$name | no | string | The name you wish to give this campaign. Campaigns can have several channels (user acquisition funnels) |
$productId | yes | string | The product id |
$startDate | no | string | The start date of the campaign in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. |
$expirationDate | no | string | The expiration date of the campaign in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. |
$type | optional | string | (default: ‘SINGLE’) the voucher type, it can be ‘SINGLE’ or ‘MULTI’ |
$amount | optional | string | (default: 1, max: 10000) The amount of vouchers to generate for each channel, will always be 1 for SINGLE voucher types. |
$channels | optional | array(string) | Array of channel names (string[]) |
require_once 'libs/php_sdk/plenigo/Plenigo.php';
// 1.Step: Configure the PHP SDK. The secret (e.g. secret:QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj) and the company id (e.g.:23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q).
$secret = 'QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj'; // The secret key of your specific company.
$companyId = '23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q'; // The company id of your specific company.
\plenigo\PlenigoManager::configure($secret, $companyId);
// 2.Step: Creating the voucher.
$name = "Test campaign "; // The name of the campaign.
$prodId = "EgLUrT56321245687421"; // The free product id. (Price of the product 0.00).
$startDate = "2001-01-01"; // The start date.
$expirationDate = "2090-12-31"; // The expiration date.
$type = 'MULTI'; // The voucher type, it can be 'SINGLE' or 'MULTI'.
$amount = 100; // The amount of the voucher.
$funnels = array(
"Test channel 1",
"Test channel 2",
"Test channel 3"
$amount = 100; // Vouchers per channel.
$result = VoucherService::generateCampaign($name, $prodId, $startDate, $expirationDate, $type, $amount, $funnels);
// 3.Step: Get channel ids
$channels = $result->getChannelVouchers();
$channelYT = $channels[0]; // Test channel 1
$ytVouchers = $channelYT->getIds(); // Array of strings with 100 voucher ids.
Creating a voucher
Another possibility to create a voucher - can be a direct call to our REST API:
Redeeming a voucher
After you have created a voucher you can redeem it.
Once you got the voucher code you can redeem it using the CheckoutService::redeemVoucher()
with these parameters:
Parameter | Required | Value type | Description |
$voucherCode | yes | string | The voucher code you got when creating the campaign |
$customerId | yes | string | The customer id |
$externalUserId | no | boolean | TRUE to specify you are using [[external user management |
require_once 'libs/php_sdk/plenigo/Plenigo.php';
// 1.Step: Configure the PHP SDK. The secret (e.g.QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj) and the company id (e.g.:23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q).
$secret = 'QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj'; // The secret key of your specific company.
$companyId = '23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q'; // The company id of your specific company.
\plenigo\PlenigoManager::configure($secret, $companyId);
// 2.Step : Redeem the voucher.
$voucherCode = "X1XZ-12DF-74ZI"; // The voucher code from the Frisbii Media Backend.
$customerId = "EgLUrT56321245687421"; // The customer id from the Frisbii Media Backend.
$useExternalUserId = false; // The external user id.
$result = CheckoutService::redeemVoucher($voucherCode, $customerId, $useExternalUserId);
Use case
Use case for creating and redeeming a voucher. The only thing you have to do is creating a product in the Frisbii Media Backend. Then you have to replace the company id(e.g.23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q), the secret (e.g.Q11DfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzKO32HsV78TngrY2ddvj), the product id(e.g. aitnVIz1503443609941), the voucherCode (R7R2-ZLJX-LDKD) and the customer (YDZKV7DPBH0Z). This example assumes you are running in test mode.
Server logic
The first thing you have to do is configuring the PHP SDK.
require_once __DIR__ . '/plenigo/Plenigo.php';
use plenigo\builders\CheckoutSnippetBuilder;
use plenigo\models\ProductId;
use plenigo\services\UserService;
use plenigo\services\CheckoutService;
// 1.Step: Configure the PHP SDK. The secret (e.g.QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj) and the company id (e.g.:23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q).
\plenigo\PlenigoManager::configure("QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj", "23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q", true);
// 2.Step: Redeem the voucher.
$productId = "EgLUrT56321245687421"; // The product id from the Frisbii Media Backend.
$voucherCode = "R7R2-ZLJX-LDKD"; // The voucher code from the Frisbii Media Backend.
$customerId = "YDZKV7DPBH0Z"; // The customer id from the Frisbii Media Backend.
$externalUserId = false; // The external user id.
$result = CheckoutService::redeemVoucher($voucherCode, $customerId, $externalUserId);
// This method returns true if the user has already bought the product.
$hasUserBought = UserService::hasUserBought($productId);
if ($hasUserBought === FALSE) {
// Since he has not bought the product, we need to build the
// checkout snippet so that he can do the flow on the Frisbii Media
// site and buy.
$prodToChkOut = new ProductId($productId);
$snippet = (new CheckoutSnippetBuilder($prodToChkOut))->build();
Page logic
In the Page you have to replace the company id in the Javascript declaration, e.g. if you have the following link: “https://static.plenigo.com/static_resources/javascript/COMPANY_ID/plenigo_sdk.min.js”
You will replace COMPANY_ID for the corresponding id of your company(e.g. 23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q), after replacing it should look like this: “https://static.plenigo.com/static_resources/javascript/23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q/plenigo_sdk.min.js”
By clicking on the “Buy now” button the Checkout flow will start.
Checkout flow from Frisbii Media:
User clicks on “Buy now” button. A login screen will appear, the user has to login in (the checkout flow is smart enough to identify when the user is not, and asks him to do so before).
If the user has bought the product he will be redirected to the article page.
If the user has not bought the product a payment screen will appear. There the user has to choose a payment method for the product.
After the payment was successful the user will be redirect to the article page
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> The title of the product </title>
Let's use concrete values
company id = e.g. "12NuCmdZUTRRkQiCqP2Q"
--> <script type="application/javascript"
src="https://static.plenigo.com/static_resources/javascript/23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q/plenigo_sdk.min.js" data-lang="en">
<?php if (!$hasUserBought ) { ?>
<p> The description of the product </p>
<button onclick="<?php echo $snippet ?>"> Buy now</button>
<?php } else { ?>
<p> Thank you for your order </p>
<?php } ?>
´Buying´ a free product
Similarly if you want to allow the purchase of the free product previously assigned to a campaign, you can do so by using the CheckoutService::buyFreeProduct()
with these parameters:
Parameter | Required | Value type | Description |
$productId | yes | string | The product id |
$customerId | yes | string | The customer id |
$externalUserId | yes | boolean | The external user id |
require_once 'libs/php_sdk/plenigo/Plenigo.php';
// 1.Step: Configure the PHP SDK. The secret (e.g. secret:QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj) and the company id (e.g.:23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q).
$secret = 'QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj'; // The secret key of your specific company.
$companyId = '23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q'; // The company id of your specific company.
\plenigo\PlenigoManager::configure($secret, $companyId);
// 2.Step: 'Buying' a free product.
$productId = "EgLUrT56321245687421"; // The free product id. (Price of the product 0.00)
$customerId = "12345"; // You can obtain it from the currently logged in user or external customer management.
$useExternalUserId = false; // The external user id.
$result = CheckoutService::buyFreeProduct($productId, $customerId, $useExternalUserId);
Use case
Use case for implementing ‘Buying’ a free product. The only thing you have to do is creating a product in the Frisbii Media Backend. Then you have to replace the company id(e.g.23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q), the secret (e.g.Q11DfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzKO32HsV78TngrY2ddvj), the product id(e.g. aitnVIz1503443609941), the voucherCode (R7R2-ZLJX-LDKD) and the customer (YDZKV7DPBH0Z). This example assumes you are running in test mode.
Server logic
The first thing you have to do is configuring the PHP SDK.
require_once __DIR__ . '/plenigo/Plenigo.php';
use plenigo\builders\CheckoutSnippetBuilder;
use plenigo\models\ProductId;
use plenigo\services\UserService;
use plenigo\services\CheckoutService;
use plenigo\services\VoucherService;
// 1.Step: Configure the PHP SDK. The secret (e.g. secret:QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj) and the company id (e.g.:23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q).
\plenigo\PlenigoManager::configure("QrrDfmzRQcQie3Pp3twzNP8LHsV78TngrY5TTvj", "23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q");
// 2.Step: Generate and redeem the voucher.
$name = "Test campaign"; // The name of the campaign.
$productId = "EgLUrT56321245687421"; // The free product id. (Price of the product must be 0.00).
$startDate = '2017-11-03'; // The start date.
$expirationDate = "2090-12-31"; // The expiration date.
$type = 'SINGLE'; // The voucher type, it can be 'SINGLE' or 'MULTI'.
$amount = 100; // The amount of the voucher.
$funnels = array(
"Test channel 1",
"Test channel 2",
"Test channel 3"
// 3.Step: Redeem a voucher.
$result = VoucherService::generateCampaign($name, $productId, $startDate , $expirationDate, $type, $amount, $funnels);
$channels = $result->getChannelVouchers();
$channelYT = $channels[0]; // Test channel 1.
$ytVouchers = $channelYT->getIds(); // Array of strings with 100 voucher ids.
$customerId = "12345";
$useExternalUserId = true; // The external user id.
$test = CheckoutService::redeemVoucher($ytVouchers[0], $customerId, true);
$hasUserBought = UserService::hasUserBought($productId);
// This method returns true if the user has already bought the product.
if ($hasUserBought === FALSE) {
$prodToChkOut = new ProductId($productId);
// Since he has not bought the product, we need to build the
// checkout snippet so that he can do the flow on the Frisbii Media
// site and buy.
$snippet = (new CheckoutSnippetBuilder($prodToChkOut))->build();
Page logic
In the Page you have to replace the company id in the Javascript declaration, e.g. if you have the following link: “https://static.plenigo.com/static_resources/javascript/COMPANY_ID/plenigo_sdk.min.js”
You will replace COMPANY_ID for the corresponding id of your company(e.g. 23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q), after replacing it should look like this: “https://static.plenigo.com/static_resources/javascript/23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q/plenigo_sdk.min.js”
By clicking on the “Buy now” button the Checkout flow will start.
Checkout flow from Frisbii Media:
User clicks on “Buy now” button. A login screen will appear, the user has to login in (the checkout flow is smart enough to identify when the user is not, and asks him to do so before).
If the user has bought the product he will be redirected to the article page.
If the user has not bought the product a payment screen will appear. There the user has to choose a payment method for the product.
After the payment was successful the user will be redirect to the article page
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> New York City Reimagines How It Works </title>
Let's use concrete values
company id = e.g. "12NuCmdZUTRRkQiCqP2Q"
--> <script type="application/javascript"
src="https://static.plenigo.com/static_resources/javascript/23NuCmdPoiRRkQiCqP9Q/plenigo_sdk.min.js" data-lang="en">
<?php if (!$hasUserBought ) { ?>
<p> The description of the product </p>
<button onclick="<?php echo $snippet ?>"> Buy now</button>
<?php } else { ?>
<p> Thank you for your order </p>
<?php } ?>
‘Buying’ a free product without SDK
Another possibility to create a voucher - can be a direct call to our REST API: